This task is based on the results of the previous two tasks and should allow for a better understanding not only of what is possible in terms of improvement towards the realisation of an “ideal vision”, but also what local inhabitants and stakeholders expect, in the relevant fields and in how far they are ready to contribute to the pursuit of a common vision.
The task is mainly a desk exercise, but it requires a dialogue with all the different players involved in the realisation of the previous steps.
Reserved Area access request
3.1 - Defining guiding criteria
A “CONSOLIDATED VISION” will probably not be defined and implemented at once. A series of guiding criteria to move towards it should be defined. These guiding criteria are a main result of the participatory phase, that should here be systematised in order also to provide feedback to those who participated in the different phases of discussion and exchange.
(For instance, if the shared “ideal vision” foresees the promotion of local heritage through the creation of a common territorial brand covering local products, local stakeholders may rank the following criteria to be respected for implementation:
- labelled entities have to respect specific social/environmental practices;
- accreditation must be accepted by the municipality in cooperation with an external social economy consultant;
- the municipality will give priority to labelled entities when selecting providers for public events;
- etc.)